Raquel Chillón Martínez
Raquel Chillón Martínez es Fisioterapeuta Pediátrica y ejerce como personal docente e investigador del Grado de Fisioterapia del Centro Universitario San Isidoro (adscrito a la Universidad Pablo de Olavide). Además es decana del Grado de Fisioterapia del Centro Universitario San Isidoro (adscrito a la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla). Es Secretaria de la Asociación Filial de Educación Superior en Fisioterapia. Tiene un sexenio de investigación acreditado (CNEAI).
Raquel Chillón Martínez is a Pediatric Physiotherapist and serves as a teaching and research staff member for the Physiotherapy degree at the San Isidoro University Center (affiliated with the Pablo de Olavide University). She is also the Dean of the Physiotherapy degree at the San Isidoro University Center (affiliated with the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville). She is the Secretary of the Higher Education Affiliate Association in Physiotherapy. She has an accredited six-year research period (CNEAI).